vanity is a serious mortal sin but for the longest time i have taken care of my skin. not to a point that i religiously pour moisturizers and toners on my skin but i make it a point not to leave any spots or marks on my skin. summer of 2011 was a blast! it was beach get-away every weekend to my delight! i couldn't complain and i just love the beach! to kiss the sun goodbye we decided to hit moalboal beach for the last week and more importantly to achieve the summer tan i never get to accomplish! and so we went, i was lounging in the sun, swam to my heart's content under the heat of the sun never minding the stings i feel from time to time. as the locals would just brush off with a simple vinegar/alcohol/efficascent oil would remedy the stings since they were just small jelly fishes not the big ones. hell yah! i believed them since i was bent on achieving my goal to get the summer tone! unfortunately, it wasn't my lucky day. i didn't get my summer tan and to my horror i got stings all over my body. the sight of it didn't come to my attention until i was back in the city and my sister trying hard to hide her horrendous reaction nyahhaa:) she was concealing how bad it looked so i won't be paranoid knowing how paranoid i am. moving on, i was at lost what to do, so my first reaction was to put something on it to ease the itch. i asked my sister what she applied but she forgot the name since her boyfie gave it to her...i felt i could die! char! here are the ointments and soaps i used to successfully cure my stings....meaning i had no idea who did the job actually nyahhahaa:-p i just smothered whatever i can get my hands on to just ease the itch:)

2. CALMOSEPTINE~ the following day, got a text message from my sister saying that her boyfie couldn't recall the name of the ointment but it sounded like "calmoseptin". i find the name funny since calmot to translate from filipino to english literally means "to scratch" but then i said to myself i'll give it a shoot when i go to the pharmacy. for sure they know better and would probably recommend something. to my satisfaction, the ointment really existed but was spelled "calmoseptine". i hurriedly brought the ointment not minding that it was at 36php per sachet. i mean if it would relieve me from itching and scratching myself then why not right? i applied the ointment from day two to three.
3. DR. KAUFMAN SULFUR SOAP~ applying ointment wasn't enough i felt that i have to do or apply something else. as they say mama knows best, so i was following my mom's advise to use this soap with special instructions to leave it off for about 3-5 minutes before rinsing with water.
4. DR. S. WONG'S SULFUR SOAP~ i was really content with dr. kaufman's but the problem was it was making my skin super dry even if i put lotion and i couldn't take the smell of sulfur out. luckily, i found a better alternative. kaufman's biggest competition in the sulfur soap market-dr. wong's! the image is not the actual one i used. they now have the scented version and with moisturizers. so dry skin and smell solved!

**DISCLAIMER: i am not in any way endorsing the products mentioned above. I am merely telling my tale on what products i used nyahahhaaa:)**
san nyo po nbili un mga sulfur soap po un dr. wongs pwde daw po kc ipang gamot yan sa dog scabies.
...pwede po ba gamitin yang dr. wong's bioderm ointment sa open wound??
thanks po...:)
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