i'm committed to make it yearly and so far so good! yehey! clap! clap! this begun as an inspiration from one of my favorite blogger, bianca gonzales....uhmmmm before i introduce the people who made a mark for my 2011...let me say that 2011 was again a very tough and challenging year for me! naks! when did it not? nyahahhhaa:-p this time in terms of emotional and professional stability. my maturity level was question to the edge that made me doubt some of the choices and decisions i've made but luckily no regrets yet:) i have become more accepting on harsh realities and deeply appreciated things that make life worth living:) 2011 prepared and made me envision a lot of things i wanna have, i wanna achieved and things i am yet to succeed into...as 2012 starts i stand brave, hopeful and enthusiastic on life....no matter what choices or challenges 2012 has for me.... i remain secured, strong, fearful yet loving knowing that there will always be people who watches my back and will continually accept me for who i am....the list is my way of showing appreciation and of letting them know that even if words get in the way most of the time i love them....cheesemaks!
MAMA and PAPA ~without a doubt! they top my list:) both will always be a source of inspiration and strength. 28 years of staying married is such a committment and a testament that marriage is for better or for worse naks! reality is no fairy tale for sure, they had bad days and breeezed through the storms still together and stronger....there differences made the partnership worked. although both are strict disciplinarians they only did what's best for each of my siblings with varying degrees of personalities and tempers nyahahaha:) in sickness and in health ~ just this year we found out that my papa had parkinson's disease...it actually broke my heart because i have always conceived my papa as indestructible...good thing mama was always by his side giving him words of encouragement...2011 was a year i spent my time and money for them:)
DDANG~ my supposed to be twin sister but was delayed in delivery nyhahhaa:) growing up felt that i can always have someone who'll be there...i never saw her as my competition or my bitter rival...i simple considered her my kapatid! i am truly proud of her even if we are polar opposites since she could be quiet but that's just how she operated...she needs a little push and encouragement on some things but we always support each other :)
MY SUPAHFWENZZZZ~ who would have thought that 4 loud and strong willed individuals could be friends? i never did! but the exception happened on this 4 amazing people who surprisingly become my best of friends and confidante on a lot of my "life events" ~ good or bad nyahhha:) we may not often get to see each other but when we do pak! catch-up stories never ends:)
THE NEWLYWEDS~ ohhhh nick lachey and jessica simpson lang ang peg? nyhahaahahaha:-p though i am certain they would end up happily after:) i originally knew jasper as a nazi team lead and i was so scared when i heard i would be under his team...turns out i totally had the best though short time under his leadership...he is a leader who shares his knowledge and knows when to be a friend chos! i was uber glad when she meet her soul mate chos! you know you always have pre-programmed thinking to be not so nice on your friends' partner but when i meet vira wow ang gaan gaan ng feeling plus points ang kapwa tsada cagayan so she really had my vote from the start nyhahaaa:) also, you'll actually know if they were meant for each other and that's how i felt when i saw both of them chos!
THE THREE STOOGES~ the trio are my current teammates...although they are not a group i decided to combine the three of them...this guys never fail to amaze and make me laugh when they are around...surely, there is more than meets the eye...they may look and act out of place most of the time but don't let that fool you...converse with them and suddenly life is A-okay and E-asy!
THE YOUNG & RESTLESS~ the duo i meet while vacationing panay island with pam...i can see so much of me in them...always eager and energetic on what life has to offer...take care my darlings and enjoy life to the fullest:) get hurt and laugh loud....you only have one life to live anyway....don't waste it on what ifs and could have beens:)

and last but not the least!!!!!! drum rolls!

finally done with my list...see yah all again next year( feelingera much!)...making it to my list doesn't have any prize just my way of showing my appreciation for being part of my life, for helping me grow and lastly for molding me:) let me borrow ate krissy's line~ LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! since i envisioned myself falling in love this year before the world ends nyahhaaha chos!
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